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Resistors > Thick Film Resistors


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Res Thick Film 0805 249K Ohm 1% 1/8W ±100ppm/C Molded SMD Paper T/R

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Lifecycle Status: Active
7.4HighRisk Rank:DesignProductionLong Term
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Reference Designs

220W Synchronous 4 Switch Buck-Boost Converter
PMP9490: PMP9490 is a 225W four Switch Buck –Boost Design utilizing best in Class Synchronous Buck Boost Converter LM5175. The design accepts an input voltage of 9.5Vin to 20Vin and provides the outputs of 15V@15 A for Constant Voltage Output Application such as Voltage stabilizer or as Power amplifier SMPS, 10.8V to 15V@12.5A for CC/CV Battery Charger application, and 12.5 A for Constant Current LED Drive application. It features an inexpensive and more efficient solution to using discrete Buck and boost converters. The average current regulation loop of the IC at the output is used for Battery Charging profiling with no external circuit being involved.
24V input to 14V@6A, Non Sync Buck LED Driver
PMP7761: It is a High current Non Synchronous buck DC-DC LED driver. The LM3409 uses Constant Off-Time (COFT) control to regulate an accurate constant current without the need for external control loop compensation. Analog and PWM dimming are easy to implement and result in a highly linear dimming range with excellent achievable contrast ratios. Programmable UVLO, low-power shutdown, and thermal shutdown complete the feature set.
BeagleBone Cape for Programmable Logic Controller Reference Design
TIDA-00312: The BeagleBone Black (BBB) Cape for the PLC I/O module is a platform for evaluation of the PLC I/O reference designs (ex. TIDA-00236). The platform showcases TI’s system solution that can be used in a PLC signal chain and allows evaluation of the signal chain performance. The cape connects the PLC I/O reference design daughter card (ex. TIDA-00236) to the BBB board. The BBB board runs the evaluation software for the I/O card and a webserver, allowing the user to view the performance from a PC. The highlight of this design is the simple hardware and minimal software installation requirements on the PC for evaluation. TI’s PLC I/O module reference designs have complete signal chain for the PLC I/O modules. Evaluating the signal chain requires examination of the critical performance parameters of the hardware. Data collection, processing, and display are the typical functions required for evaluation. The easy-to-use GUI accelerates the performance of the I/O module evaluation process and reduces time to market.
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